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Working in a start up!

Working in a start up!

Working in a start up!




Meter Smart Metering

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Almost every student once in their life goes through a phase where they find themselves with a lot of time on their hands. This happens when you have completed your education and you are waiting for your job to start. A student can spend this time in two ways either they can relax at home, binge watch all the sitcoms that have been pending for so long, or they can do something constructive and make this time fruitful.

Having close to three months of free time at my hands I chose to go for the latter, spend my time doing something which would give me the opportunity to learn and help me expand my knowledge base. I had heard about Polaris Grids (Formerly Grampower) earlier from a very enthusiastic and dedicated employee of this start up and I liked what I heard.

This company is quite unique in terms of their business model. Their mission “Electrifying the Planet, Intelligently!” basically means they want to provide electricity to the remotest, deepest parts of the country using solar energy in a smart manner. The Smart Meters that this company installs provides modern solutions like prepaid payment, theft detection, load scheduling, remote monitoring and so on.

The start up business, by nature, is a cool workplace; the best part being the open culture and transparency between the senior management and the other employees. This provides a lot of opportunities to learn for a startup employee. This is because working at a startup usually means you’re part of a small core team. And the most obvious advantage of having such a small team is that there is probably nobody else in the company who possesses the same skillset as you and approaches problems in the same manner that you do. This gives the employee a chance for personal and professional growth, since most likely your work will affect the company directly, also working for a startup offers a different type of return: an incentive-based system that isn’t governed by money, but rather in skills attained and confidence gained. It helps in learning the virtues of hardwork, responsibility and self sustainability.

I believe working for a startup provides one with a whole new perspective of looking at things, each and every decision that you make has to be calculated, backed up with hard facts and relevant justifications. My experience has helped reinforce the belief that at least once in their lives every working professional should try and work for a start up not just for the cool culture or the flexible working hours but for the sheer knowledge, growth and experience of it.




Meter Smart Metering



Nehal Baid

General Manager

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